Monday, October 4, 2010

That Button Nose and Little Bow Mouth

Twenty-five years ago, my husband and I became parents for the first time.  It was an expected moment that we had 8 hours to prepare for, literally.  We were "next in line" for an adoption.  Prior to this particular day, there had been multiple attempts, but in every case, things just didn't work out.  Needless to say, we were a little apprehensive about the whole process and afraid to get our hopes up, for fear of being heartbroken yet one more time.

If you are one of my regular readers, you know by now, just exactly where I stand in my faith.  Back in those days of waiting and wanting a child so much, the heartache and sadness sometimes became overwhelming and after many, many attempts, we redirected our lives and began to adjust to a life without children, God's gifts.

I will never forget the series of events that changed our lives in such a wonderful way.  On a midweek afternoon, I received a phone call at the office where I worked and it was the Obstetrician that we had registered with for a private adoption.  He told me of this young woman and then simply said, "she is here, now, sitting in my office, and she would like to talk with you.  Is that okay?"  I know my heart skipped a beat.  I wanted everything to be done anonymously and was told that wasn't a problem.  From him came the promise that this would be and remain totally anonymous.  So, shaking and nervous, I took the call and spoke to this young woman, who carried in her womb and under her heart, the future joy that was to be our daughter.  We both fought back tears during our conversation and she told me that the doctor had shared our story with her and of all of the potential adoptive parents that she could have chosen, she chose us and she wanted to let me know, that this time was going to be real.  I don't think I accomplished anything else that day.  Tears welled up in my eyes every time I thought about her voice, her words, her accomplishments.  It was the beginning of what was to become a whirlwind weekend.

She wasn't due for a couple of weeks, so we really thought we had time to adjust to the idea that soon, very soon, we would be bringing home baby.

At four am the following Monday, just 3 days from the phone call, we got yet another call, and this one was from a nurse at the hospital letting us know that this young lady was in labor and wanted us there when the baby was born.  Wh wh what!  She's in labor!?  So much to do.  Have to call the office.  What about the work to be done there?  Didn't matter, absolutely didn't matter.  We were about to be part of a miracle and begin our lives as "parents", something that we had prayed about for a long, long time.

Names, oh my gosh, we hadn't even talked about names.  What if it's a boy, a girl...

Showered, dressed and we headed out the door to be there to hold our baby for the first time when he/she was only moments old.

 When we arrived at the hospital, we were quickly steered into a room just down the hall from the birthing center.  Eight am, and we both have nervous stomachs.  Anxious doesn't even come close to describing it.  Wondering, family called, more tears, more waiting, more wondering, nervous.  No way to describe the emotions that we were experiencing that morning.  Conception to birth in just a few short hours.  We experienced it all.  And then, at around 12:57 pm, in walked a nurse with this tiny bundle in her arms and the beautiful words "it's a girl, and she's just beautiful".

Yes, she was, and still is and makes us proud every moment of every day.  She is an incredible artist and is working on a degree in design for theater.  She smiles and lights up a room, and does her poochy lip and usually gets her way.  So, this year, we celebrate her quarter century milestone.  Baby girl, with that little button nose and that beautiful little bow mouth, you light up our lives today and always.  We are so proud of you, proud of who your are, what you have accomplished, the love that you radiate, the gifts that you use to brighten up not just a room, but the world around you.

We should have picked up on her artistic skills when she was little.  At the age of 8 months, she was creating masterpieces with orange jello, canteloupe and scrambled eggs at Shoneys on Sundays before church.  Growing up, instead of making mud pies, she made in her words "toxic waste".  Santa brought her a pint sized child safe tool set with working power tools and she learned how to design, create and assemble treasures made out of wood while working along side her daddy.  We frequently had snakes and lizards in a jar in the garage, because they caught them together.    I won't ever forget the one morning early before school, we discovered that all of the kittens belonging to the neighborhood stray (which lived outside of our house), had fallen prey to other creatures, and as this heart broken little girl got on her school bus, she sobbed over the loss of her kitties.  By the time she got to school, I had called her teacher and milk and cookies and an extra hug or two awaited her when she got into her classroom.

Such a tender, loving heart surrounded by the most beautiful little girl ever, and we proudly call her ours.

Yes, we have two incredible children, both adopted and both have completed our lives in their own unique and special ways.  God has been very good to us, very gracious and entrusted to us the love and lives of two very precious gifts.  God is good, very, very good, all the time.

One story shared today, and that is hers.  It's a special time for her.  So, today, sweetheart, this is all for you.

God bless you as He has blessed us with your life.  God keep you safe and give you wonderful days ahead as you head towards the next phase of your life.

Blessings to all of you today!  I'm going to reminisce a little and look at some pictures of that cute little button nose and bow mouth that have been a part of my life for 25 years.

Love y'all!